About the Interventions Anti-Corruption Guidance
Corruption and conflict are bedfellows and their coexistence feeds a vicious circle of violence and instability. International military operations —from stabilization missions and peace operations to security assistance—frequently take place in environments affected by corruption and conflict, and this corruption can undermine the purpose of the mission, perpetuate insecurity, and cause misery for whole societies.
The influx of military, financial and political resources into a country, that comes with international military presence, can be used to augment the influence of corrupt networks that benefit from conflict and undermine peace. As a result, missions are increasingly vulnerable to the impact of corruption on their personnel, reputation, objectives, and ultimately, corruption can and will have dire consequences for mission effectiveness and success if left unmitigated. It is therefore imperative that armed forces are prepared to recognize and mitigate the extent, severity and impact of corrupt practices in operational theatres, to mitigate corruption risks in their own activities, and to support wider anti-corruption measures.
To support this, TI-DS has developed the Interventions Anti-Corruption Guidance (IACG). The IACG provides a suite of guidance materials, tools, and resources that educate military personnel, operational planners, and key defence decision-makers on how corruption can affect military operations and what they can do about it. The IACG utilises learnings from previous military operations to provide users with practical guidance on how to identify corruption risks, how to mitigate these risks with effective anti-corruption measures, and how to develop an anti-corruption mitigation strategy to integrate into mission planning.