Constituent Mitigations

3.3 Generating and using specific expertise, including civilian organisations

Identifying corruption risks should be a skill that most staff officers are trained in at a basic level; this would help ensure that key risks are not missed. Staff abilities, however, need to be supplemented by specialist skills needed to analyse concrete manifestations of corruption, the reach and vertical integration of corrupt networks, and financial flows. This could include:

  • Anti-corruption specialists
  • Political and social analysts able to assess political linkages and the impact of corruption in society
  • Financial intelligence specialists
  • Forensic accountants
  • Fraud investigators
  • Law enforcement agents, including those specialising in asset recovery and legal and financial sanctions
  • International police officers, including UN Police and EUPOL pools
  • Military police and prosecutors
  • Organised crime experts.

Costs and benefits:

Integrating personnel and expertise from different institutions is likely to deliver an overall increase in mission competence and ability to counter corruption. It does, however, pose challenges, not least of working through different institutional priorities and approaches. Timelines for deployment and access to security clearances also continue to pose challenges for civilians prepared to work alongside the military. This is why cooperation should be established prior to any deployments. This could be done through civilian participation in military exercises, civil-military cooperation seminars, and dedicated study days. These tend to be recurrent in many military headquarters and offer a venue for nurturing links with civilian organisations that could be capitalised on during deployments and translated into concrete institutional solutions. ISAF’s Task Force Shafafyiat, for example, attempted to integrate civilian and military approaches through appointing two civilian deputy directors: one from the FBI and another from the Drugs Enforcement Agency.

Case Study Snippet

Afghanistan: Corruption and the making of warlords

CJIATF-Shafafiyat (meaning ‘transparency’ in Dari and Pashto), established by the ISAF Commander in September 2010 and operating until October 2014, was a multi-national and multi-agency counter and anti-corruption organisation with a focus on the Afghan MoD and MoI. Located at ISAF Headquarters in Kabul, Shafafiyat...

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Key Personnel

  • J1
  • J5
  • J9
  • Command Group